Application Programming Interface (API)

Application Programming Interface (API)

The entire Diri solution is built to support data flow in and out. This feature is essential for easy integration with existing systems. The most apparent integration is companies with a help desk and ticketing system for handling tasks. As tasks are also generated in Diri, we must integrate to send and receive tickets with existing systems to avoid complicated workflows. There are many exciting opportunities for an API, and we are exploring the possibilities. The API keys are generated for each organization in Diri. To access the API, you have to be an administrator.

The API is accessed through the "Organisation" option in the main menu.

Click on "Organisation" in the main menu, and click on the edit icon for the organization you wish to access. The API documentation and key generation are available below the user invitation feature. Keys are generated and shown once. Access is withdrawn by deleting the API key. 
Contact us for more information on how to use the Diri API.

API Documentation

Diri uses the REST API on Swagger. The API documentation is available at .

Contact us for more information about the API.

How to test the API

1 . Navigate to the Organisation
2. Click the edit button as shown at the top of this article
3. Click Generate key and make sure to store it in a safe place. Preferably in a password manager with high security.

4. Navigate to and click on Authorize

5. Now you should be able to test the different options in the API.