The Diri Dashboard

The Diri Dashboard

The Dashboard is a summary and visualisation of the data in Diri. Read about dashboard configuration here.
The purpose of the dashboard is to allow decision-makers, users and administrators to:

Get an overview of the Risk picture

Are you wondering what your risk picture looks like?
Diri summarises the risk picture for the whole organisation, and the dashboard cards facilitate drill-down:

The organisational risk matrix summarises the risk picture from all the available data. Clicking on the risks opens up the risk description and risk assessment origin. Probability and consequence levels are customisable in settings.

The Company risk picture shows a pie chart illustrating the number of risks per risk category and location. You can sort your risks based on risk assessment types by clicking the "Show" drop-down menu. Sorting types are IT systems, problem assessment, overall risk assessment, etc.

Diri also gives you insight to the current risk picture of each registered IT system with drill-down functionality.

Plan your work by prioritizing critical IT systems

Stop wondering about how you are going to plan your security efforts! Diri offers to ways of prioritizing IT system criticality: You can do a quick and subjective ranking of systems as illustrated in the figure below:

The bar chart sorts the registered IT systems according to our criticality ranking and allows for drill-down. Furthermore, having completed the registration and the asset evaluation steps for the objects allows for us to sort them on security requirements:

As illustrated above, the bar chart can be sorted on classifications within confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA). The bar chart has drill-down functionality and can be sorted on risk assessment types. The CIA levels are customisable in the settings.

Track progress and efforts

Are you wondering how the security work efforts are progressing? Diri offers clear and transparent ways of staying on top of treatment implementation, work progress tracking, and more:

Diri follows a standardised risk assessment workflow that allows for tracking. The figure above shows a cumulative overview of all the objects in the database, together with how many steps have been completed. Risk assessments in Diri are time-stamped with an expiry date according to a revision time, and dated objects appear in the rightmost column.

Diri offers a sequential tracking of risk treatment and control implementation.

Locate and manage important information systems and assets

Are you wondering where your organisation stores personal data? Diri helps you to map out important information assets stored in your organisation and visualise them:

The figure above shows in which IT systems' ordinary and special category personal data is managed. But personal data is not the only necessary information asset in an organisation:

Diri categorises and sorts out the essential information assets in your organisation. Visualise your asset storage distribution in the dashboard.

Assess your exposure

You have gotten to know your risk exposure but still wonder what the problem is? Diri assists you by summarising your vulnerability areas:

The above bar chart example shows us that most of our vulnerabilities lie in the technical, human, and organisational domains, while physical security is a minor issue. Furthermore, Diri can collect and rank consequences and causes:

These examples provide fundamental insight into some of your possibilities with Diri. And keep in mind that we are just getting started!

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